Have an energy efficiency project in mind for your business, but not sure where to start?

Enter a few details below and your project information will post for Program Trade Allies to view. If your project aligns with their area of expertise, they may contact you for additional details and to offer their services in making your project a reality. It’s a great way to put your project out there, explore options, and start the ball rolling.

NOTE: If your electric account is a Small General Service (2M) account, your Bid board posting will note "Eligible for SBDI".

NOTE: Air Purification incentive eligibility is currently determined through our Custom program Application.

We’re here to help! Don’t hesitate to contact the BizSavers Team if you have any questions about getting your project off the ground. Email us at bizsavers@ameren.com or call (866) 941-7299.

If you’d rather contact a registered Trade Ally directly, please visit our Find a Contractor page.

Project Site Details
Project Site Name *
Enter Ameren Account Number for Project Site
Project Site Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
Legal Company Name *
Contact First Name *
Contact Last Name *
Contact Phone Number *
Email *
Interested in Demand Response?
Technology (select all that apply) *

Project Description *
Estimated Project Budget *

I would like to receive bids from(select on) help *

How many responses would you like? *

How long should this project be posted? *